October 2018 - THIS week's PICTURE

Gettysburg House : photo by Malcolm Aslett



This crumbling lilac coloured house is outside of Gettysburg. Many buildings are left empty around the town due to the battlefielf park taking over so much land. This one has been left abandoned 'just because'.

The delapidated state is suitable to a joiner style. There are many details to take in, from the peeling paint on crumbling brick to the weathered pillars and rain soaked roofing. The viewing position is off center and clearly not all possible photos have been taken. There are gaps and that is ok. Maybe there was something of interest there. Maybe not. That is the accidents of picture taking. What 'is' there 'are' the accidents of time.

There is no real center to the picture and the eye is left to wander a little aimlessly. That's it for October.



